Professional Driver Education in a location near to you
Getting your “L-Plates” is the first step in gaining your driver’s licence, and professional driver education is known to be invaluable in helping you pass your driving test with the minimum of fuss. Camden Valley Driving School is based in the Macarthur region, south-west of Sydney with more than 20 years automotive experience and provides driver education to people in Camden, Elderslie, Narellan, Campbelltown and surrounding areas.
Manual, Automatic or BYO Vehicle
You can choose to learn in one of our cars, with either Manual or Automatic transmission, or you can learn to drive in your own vehicle*. Our vehicles are small/medium sedans and have dual controls to provide an extra level of safety for inexperienced or nervous leaners.
* N.B. If you want to learn to drive in your own vehicle, you MUST have fully comprehensive insurance.
Lessons usually start at your home, however we are flexible and can arrange to start and finish at an alternative location in the local area. We also offer night lessons. You must record a minimum of 20 hours night driving (between sunset and sunrise) in your Learner Log Book, so a night lesson or two will give you some valuable experience in driving in these conditions.
Dual-Control Vehicles for Extra Safety
If you are learning to drive in one of our cars, you will see that our manual vehicle has three dual-control pedals – an accelerator, a brake and a clutch. This gives the instructor the ability to better manage situations than those encountered by vehicles only having brake and clutch controls. Our automatic vehicle has both brake and accelerator dual-control pedals.
Sharing the Road with Learner Drivers
Learning to drive can be a stressful experience for many new drivers, and sometimes they will make mistakes. They need to learn how to drive in heavy traffic, in high-speed traffic, in daylight, at night-time and in all weather conditions. So, if you’re sharing the road with a new driver they will appreciate a little patience and understanding as they learn these new skills.
- Be Patient – It takes time to learn so many rules and develop safe driving skills. It could be the learner’s first time on the road so don’t use your horn or flash your lights to harass them or indicate your own impatience.
- Be Prepared – We all make mistakes from time to time, so expect the unexpected and make allowances for new drivers.
- No Tailgating – Tailgating anyone is not a good practice, and learner drivers may become highly anxious and are more likely to make mistakes if they feel they are holding you up. Give them a little space.
- Driving on Motorways and Highways – Learner drivers are restricted by law to a lower speed limit on many Motorways and Highways than motorists with a full licence. When travelling on high-speed roads, be aware of this potential speed differential; be prepared to encounter learner drivers; be patient; and overtake at a safe speed and distance.